I'm a composer who specializes in programmatic orchestral music. While my pieces can stand on their own, their emphasis on mood and reliance on narrative makes my style especially suitable for media scoring and other collaborative ventures.
In my ten+ years of composing, I have explored a wide variety of styles and techniques. My ever-growing body of works is primarily orchestral in instrumentation but extends into other ensemble sizes and types as well.
I have had fantastic opportunities to work with all kinds of talented creators. Whether these collaborations were paid, paying, or voluntary, each experience has garnered wonderful memories and valuable personal and professional growth.
Latest Work
BWV 62: Pesante (2024)
Score Preview
Duration: ca. 3.5 minutes
Instrumentation: Orchestra (222 2+cbn / 42 2+bass 1 / timp+8 / str)
This piece is a weighty orchestral take on the musical materials of J. S. Bach's 1724 cantata chorus, Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland. Third and last in a series of arrangements of BWV 62 commemorating its 300th anniversary, this one deviates the most from the original music, dropping voices entirely in favor of a complete woodwind section and modern brass and percussion ensembles. Urgent to the end, this work, like its source material, ushers in the Advent season and prepares the listener for the coming of the long-awaited Messiah.